
We’ve entered into a joint venture agreement with Lovell Southern, to build 500 new homes on the outskirts of Weymouth.

We're carefully considering the appearance of the local area when designing our proposed homes to ensure that they will go well with the local area and be a positive addition to the local community.

Want to find out more about our planning submission?

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Keeping local architecture in mind

We will soon be submitting an application to Dorset Council which will include information about the appearance and layout of the homes. With this is mind, we are proposing a traditional design approach with selected materials that are functional and will compliment the local architecture.

Not just homes

As well as new homes the development will provide a number of facilities for the community including a new primary school, a care home, local centre, commercial and employment space. The overall scale and layout of the homes benefit from the creation of large areas of public open space to create a cohesive environment where the landscape and buildings work together.

Homes for everyone

We intend to build a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom homes to cater to a wide range of needs including first-time buyers, families and people who may wish to upsize or downsize.

Of the 500 homes 175 will be affordable homes, comprising a mix of rented homes and homes available to buy through shared ownership.

We're preserving and enhancing the natural environment

Throughout the site tree planting and considerate open space will help to provide areas of spaciousness. The design will also preserve and enhance the natural environment by protecting existing trees and hedgerows as well as creating wildlife corridors and habitats.

Access to the development will be from Littlemoor Road and connectivity throughout the site will be improved with new footpaths and cycle paths linking to the national cycle network.